NordBel Temporary Youth News Desk Digest 2021 – Young people taking the lead to support democratic development
Ung Media Sverige (Young Media Sweden) & Beladania, with foundings from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Project background:
A cornerstone in modern democracy is the freedom of speech and not least free media. For many years great efforts had been made to secure this in Europe and globally. The latest developments and changes in several countries demonstrate and remind us about that democracy is not something we can take for granted. This due to the rise of challenges in both the “old” western European countries, in some of the “new” post communist democracies, as well as the massive possibility to spread and receive free information through the internet and social media.
Project description:
The project will take place online through Zoom. During two weekends we will work together in a youth driven, temporary news desk focusing on the question ”How is it like for young people to have their voices heard in 2021?”. Participants from Sweden and Belarus make their own media productions and present the results for the group and honorary guests. All material will be published on the website Ung Press and on a new website built by Beladania.
Media production:
The participants will choose what kind of media production or journalistic project they wish to do – interviews and writing texts, filming an interview, photography, writing a debate article or whatever they’re interested in doing.
This method, a temporary news desk, is based on the participants being active and creative. They need to be curious and be able to form their own questions. We want the participants to finish their work while working in the temporary news desk, in order to make sure that they finish what they have started and also to improve their ability to meet deadlines.
Participants from both Sweden and Belarus will be provided a news desk coach. The coaches will help the participants to plan, create and finish their media productions. The Swedish participants will work with news desk coach Eleni Terzitane, journalist and communications manager at Ung Media Sverige.
4-6 young journalists/students from Sweden and 4-6 young journalists/students from Belarus.
Ung Media Sverige is recruiting the participants from Sweden. Beladania is recruiting the participants from Belarus.
– Saturday 30 January – Introduction, time for the participants to get know one another, and inspirational lectures from two honorary guests
– Weekend 6-7 February – Participants will work with their media productions and present the results for the group and the honorary guests
Project language: English
Ages: You must be 18-30 years old to be able to participate in this project.
Terms: All are welcome to apply, but you need to be a member of Ung Media Sverige when the project is due to start.
Deadline for application: Tuesday 19 January 2021