[Application closed] Nordic Youth Media Days 2019
What kind of stories and perspectives on migration are you missing in media today? Bring those story ideas and your media skills to Stockholm in March and be ready to set diversity on the agenda.
The seminar is arranged by Nordic Press Association, this year hosted by Swedish member organisation Ung Media Sverige. The aim with Nordic Youth Media Days 2019 is to challenge and broaden the current media image by lifting a diversity of voices that are not represented in media today. We want you to be a part of the five day seminar in Stockholm in March 2019 and make that happen.
During the main part of the seminar you will practice journalism with the media of your choice together with other young media makers. You will also get inspiration from experienced media makers, learn new ways of reporting and dig deeper into the topic of migration.
Where? Stockholm, Sweden
When? 19-24th of March 2019
Deadline to apply: 9th of December 2018
Language of the seminar and working groups: English
Participating countries: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway
Who can apply? Media makers from participating countries, max 30 years old
How many will get accepted? Max 10 persons from each country
— Application closed —
Work and expected results
Media production will be the main part of the seminar. Participants from Nordic countries will be divided into groups by the organizing team, based on their story ideas and previous experiences.
During our five-day seminar, the aim is that you and your group will produce a media story that lifts new perspectives on the topic migration. It could be in the form of written text, photos, video, podd, social media etc – you decide! We want to give you the opportunity to think in new ways of reporting that’s not seen or heard in established media today.
Your team will be supervised by an experienced editor, who guide and support you through the work. Together in the group you will exchange experiences and learn from each other as well.
Application to the seminar
In the application form, you will pitch a story that you want to focus on during the seminar. You will also write a letter about yourself, including your previous experiences, interests and why you want to be part of the seminar. We aim for diversity among the participants. If you are from a minority group or have experience of the seminar topic it is meritorious.
Draft program
Will be updated continuously
March 19th
– Arrival to Stockholm
– Informal evening where you get to know each other
March 20th
– Introduction workshop: How is the current media image of migration today?
– Teambuilding – Get to know your group!
– First editorial meeting: What do we want to produce?
March 21st
– Panel discussion: How can we challenge and broaden the current media image?
– Second editorial meeting: Research and task division
March 22nd
– Study visit
– Third editorial meeting: Field work
March 23th
– Fourth editorial meeting: Finalizing outcomes
– Presentations of media productions for a jury
– Farewell party
March 24th
– Departure from Stockholm
Accommodation, lodging and travel
For all participants at the seminar, accommodation with three meals a day and lodging in Stockholm will be fully covered by NPA funds. Furthermore, all travel costs for participants from Finland, Denmark and Norway will be reimbursed up to a total sum of 120 EURO. Participants from Sweden will get reimbursed up to the amount of 900 SEK. It’s important that you keep all of your receipts – otherwise we can’t reimburse you.
Please note that participating in the whole seminar program is mandatory. You will receive reimbursements of your travels upon completion of all parts of the seminar.
The application deadline is on the 9th of December 2018. First round of selected participants will be contacted shortly after the deadline has expired and receive further information. Selected participants will be asked to book their tickets as soon as possible and confirm their participation with the organizers, otherwise your spot will go to the next applicant on the waiting list.
The seminar is founded by Nordic Cultural Point Volt Program and Konung Gustav V:s 90-årsfond.
Any questions?
Contact project manager for Nordic Youth Media Days 2019 Desirée Widell, president of Ung Media Sverige, desiree.widell@ungmedia.se +46 733 77 77 66